Are you the kind of couple that spends date night fantasizing about digging into a sizzling stack of bacon rather than each other? Maybe you'd better think about adding some bacon to your special day.
Here are 11 ways to enjoy those crispy, crunchy strips of grease during your wedding:
When stocking your bacon bar, make sure it's filled with both pork AND puns.
Hello, palate, we'd like to introduce you to these pistachio and bacon encrusted goat cheese balls.
Even the healthiest guest will be tempted to try these bacon-filled delights.
Is your mouth watering after seeing these bacon-wrapped scallops? If not, you should probably see a doctor or something.
Mashed Potato bars are becoming super trendy wedding staples. And you know what goes perfectly on top of mashed potatoes? BACON!
Aren't you glad you live in a world where bacon-infused vodka is a reality?
Place jars of bacon on every surface in the reception hall. We don't want any bacon emergencies here, people!
Looks like this truffle pig is pretty good at his job. (And yes, that's bacon-covered chocolate.)
Let's hope the frosting isn't bacon grease!
If your love for bacon runs deep and greasy, you could dress your bridal party up like a cut of meat!
Sometimes the scent of bacon frying can smell better than the prettiest of roses.
Let's face it, if you're about to enter in a polygamous marriage between you, your partner, and BACON, then you'd better start porking on day one.
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