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Get Married the Druid Way at Stonehenge

Stonehenge is a mystical monument, synonymous with magic and Arthurian legend:


Image Source: rocknrollbride.com

Imagine getting married among those ancient stones. As the Druid priestess unites you and your beloved, the circle hums with magical energy. For a minute, you think you see fairies dancing in the mist, blessing you on your new journey. 

Stonehenge’s inner circle is only open to the public twice a year—for the summer and winter solstices, but enterprising couples can grease the palms of the Stonehenge Tours agency for a chance to pledge their love right in the center of things, no matter the season. 


Image Source: rocknrollbride.com

Because outdoor weddings aren’t legally recognized in the UK, most couples choose to participate in a Celtic Handfasting Ceremony, an ancient ritual where partners are literally tied together.   


Image Source: rocknrollbride.com

The phrase “tying the knot” comes from this Celtic ceremony.  Druids prefer to have handfastings at either dawn or dusk, when the sun and moon are both present to bless the union. 

Handfasting recently played a part in the Outlander wedding: 


Image Source: outlanderevangelist.wordpress.com

So if you’d like a love that transcends the sands of time, get ye to the stones!


Image Source: rocknrollbride.com

For £375, (roughly $577) couples are given access to the inner circle, a traditional handfasting presided over by a real Druid priest or priestess, handfasting cords, frankincense, wine or mead, and a decorated broom (for jumping over, of course.) 


Image Source: segeriusbruceblog.com

After the ceremony, explore the lush South English countryside. Visit the ruins of the Glastonbury Abbey, where the legendary King Arthur is said to be buried. Look for the Holy Grail in the Chalice Well Gardens, or rock out at the Glastonbury Music Festival. And make sure you sample the UK’s best fish and chips! 


Image Source: rocknrollbride.com

For couples looking for an adventurous and ancient way to profess their love, there’s no place more magical to tie the knot then at Stonehenge! 


Image Source: rocknrollbride.com


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