Let’s Get McMarried! Fast Food Weddings
Your wedding day is a day you've dreamed about for ages. The perfect man, the perfect dress, the perfect song. The only thing missing? Convenience.
So why not get married at a fast food chain and call it a day?
1. This couple got the Six Spatula Salute!

Image Source: The Sun UK
2. In this case, KFC stands for Kentucky Fried Ceremony.

Image Source: UK Mirror
3. Like Romeo and Juliet, the houses of Taco Bell and KFC need never be divided again.

Image Source: PETA
4. In Hong Kong, the McDonald's wedding has become a huge fad.

Image Source: Favored By Yodit
5. Seriously. They can't stop getting married in McDonald's. They're mac-dicted.

Image Source: It's Getting Viral
6. They'll be needing caffeine for the wedding night, amiright? Eh? EH?

Image Source: Redbox Pictures
7. I'm glad they resisted the urge to spell it 'kungradulashunz!'

Image Source: Chic-fil-A
8. Waffle House, that bastion of southern breakfast deliciousness, was a perfect place for this couple to get hitched.

Image Source: Cloudfront
9. Not to be outdone, even Walmart hopped in on the fun.

Image Source: California Technologies
If all of these weddings made you hungry, it might be time to scout locations - and hit up some dollar menus!