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Till Potholes Do Us Part: Getting Married on the City Hall to Go Truck

Some couples prefer the simplicity of a City Hall wedding.

(More examples of this trend over here.)


Image Source: Huffington Post

Unfortunately, these quickie ceremonies aren't all that quick. If you decide to get married in a civil ceremony, you could end up in a crowded waiting room squeezed in between other impatient couples for several hours! There's nothing romantic about that.


Image Source: NY Times

The City of Boston has eliminated that wait with their City Hall to Go truck.


Image Source: Boston.com

As part of an initiative to better serve the community, a truck visits different Boston neighborhoods to offer select services to the public, including on the spot weddings. And you thought Food Trucks were the latest mobile wedding trend!

While these on-the-go weddings could be incredibly convenient, we couldn't help but think about some of the annoyances couples might face out there on the street:

1. Catcalls from leering construction workers:


Image Source: Buzzfeed 

Unfortunately, not all construction workers are as respectful as these cool dudes.

2. Homeless people interrupting you to rant about the apocalypse:


Image Source: Redeeming Blog

The End is Nigh: Just what you want to hear when you're starting a new life with someone.

3. Those pesky subway grates:


Image Source: Imgur

Marilyn Monroe it look so easy, but believe us, there are people on the street that DON'T want to see your Spanx.

4. The smell of meat wafting from street carts:


Image Source: Big Apple Dreaming

Love is in the air. Apparently so is kielbasa. We'd like to assume that these annoyances would actually add to the charm of the wedding. The construction workers could sing Ave Maria as the homeless man gives the bride away. The food truck gives the charming couple free meat for life, and an elderly Marilyn shows up and reveals that she's been living with JFK in a cottage out in Hyannisport this whole time.

We can dream, can't we? The convenience of the City Hall to Go truck almost makes up for the street-side wedding. In addition to committing to someone for the rest of your life, you can also do these important things at the City Hall To Go truck:

1. Request a copy of your child's birth certificate:


Image Source: Amazon Images

Actually, you might need copies of your own birth certificates, come to think of it.

2. Register for a dog license:


Image Source: Doerman

What a perfect excuse to turn a happy couple into a happy trio!

3. Sign up for a library card:


Image Source: Jonathan Ivy Photo

Nothing says "honeymoon" like an all-access pass to the library!

4. Register:


Image Source: Tiff and Coco

Oh, you thought we meant register for gifts? We actually meant register to vote. We know, we know, not nearly as exciting, but still important!

5. Pay off tickets for marijuana possession:


Image Source: Pinimg

With those outstanding drug charges, they're not going to let you out of the country, even if it IS for your honeymoon.
Getting married out of a truck may not seem like the most romantic way to get hitched, but there's something to be said for a marriage of convenience!


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