Behind every cutesy bridal party picture is a wedding photographer who delights in making people suffer. You’d rather take a few quick snaps and get back to the drinking, but your photographer is making everyone traipse through the mud in their high heels. After the torture is over, you’ll wind up with a wedding album that looks just like everybody else’s.
When you’re looking through a photographer’s portfolio, make sure you steer clear of anyone who seems to force bridal parties into these 9 awkward poses:
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No one will EVER manage to get in the air at the same time, no matter how many times the picture is taken… but that wicked photographer will get a kick out of watching everyone try.
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The umbrella fad probably became popular because bridesmaids needed something to do with their hands. But isn’t that what bouquets are for? It’s not even raining, you guys.
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Who’s the creepiest of them all?
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Imagine the looks of horror those girls made when they first heard that they were supposed to pick the groom up. He’s totally into it, though.
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Woe to that one bridesmaid who’s self conscious about her cankles.
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How much do you want to bet that one bridesmaid is only using her middle fingers?
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Chances are good that someone is trying to hold in a fart.
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Wedding photographer: “Look at her like she just said something really funny!”
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A good wedding shoot should show off the bridal party’s assets. But did anyone think about how those dresses would wrinkle after being stuffed into underpants?
After seeing these tired poses you may be tempted to ditch the wedding photographer altogether. Why waste the money if your guests are going to flood their Instagram with wedding pics anyway?
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