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put a zing on it

7 Places That Luckily Don’t Have Registries

Listen, half the reason of getting married is to get the killer presents. So be very careful when you are looking for places to register. Count your lucky stars these 7 places don't have registries or you could have wound up with an epic present fail!

1. BevMo


Image Source: payonperformance.ning.com

2. Bodega on Avenue A between 15th and 16th

PlacesNORegistry 2

Image Source: station-station.com

3. Bait and Tackle Shop

PlacesNORegistry 3

Image Source: miamibeach411.com

Attribute: realfilmcareer.com

4. Fireworks Depot

PlacesNORegistry 4

Image Source: fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net

5. Skymall

PlacesNORegistry 5

Image Source: gigidowns.com

6. Bed and the Beyond, Screw the Bath

PlacesNORegistry 6

Image Source: louisianarecord.com

7. Dick Neighbor’s Garden

PlacesNORegistry 7

Image Source: dailymail.co


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